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The game is pretty much perfect, it has a really good atmosphere and really freaks you out near the end of the dungeon, but something that i think that could be changed is the difficulty, because dude, this game is hard, it took me one hour and thirty minutes to complete the game, just because it's based on Random Number Generation, i don't think it makes the game worse, i just think it's a little boring sometimes, i understand that there's not much to do about this, but it's just my opinion, still, i think everything is really good, the sounds could get a little improved to make the atmosphere even better.

For me, it's 9,5/10, congratulations.

Thanks a lot!  the level of difficulty was chosen to reflect their hopeless despair.  The game is designed by the guard so that it cannot be won.  I was all the more surprised that a tester really played it through with 5 dices.  It took him 2h for this ^ ~ ^.  The trick to make it easier is to get enough dices beforehand and to get free dices by dying on the first deathfield (save before if you don't roll 6, load).  In short, attempts to cheat!  The game is not fair to you either :) thanks for playing!

is there a showcase of the endings? i'm sort of a pussy and i had alot of suffering i went through in other games.


Not at the moment, maybe I'll load them on YT. But I would have to record them first. Since I'm currently revising the game, I don't know if all this works.