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An intense shooter, for sure! The intro screen was very intense, definitely made me expect a lot of action. The game feels packed, intense, which is supported by very intense music (good job on that front!) There are a few different enemies, which adds to that sense of fullness.

There always is room for improvement though.
The level-up powerups are a bit bland - could use a lot more colour, impact and shiny-ness. The player ship movement is also a bit strange - it's jumping very quickly from place to place instead of moving smoothly. The intro screen also showed a very detailed 3D ship, which was kind of misleading, because the in-game graphics are very different. You would want better graphics in menus than in-game but this feels like too big of a difference in my opinion.

Thank you for your valuable feedback! Ill definitely take this into consideration within the next iterations!
Will totally check out your game in a bit.