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Thanks for the feedback! I really like the idea of your abilities being in the UI, hidden behind the portraits.

I had two much larger levels at the end, but I came to a similar conclusion as you. Without increasing the difficulty or introducing new puzzle mechanisms (both a hard sell for a jam game) they got pretty monotonous.

The points system was my mechanism for rewarding a more optimal play through. Unfortunately it wasn’t fully baked into the game ending. My initial plan was to have 2-3 endings based on your score, but ended up cutting that idea.

Most levels were designed as a cycle with a hard direction and an easy direction. Steve’s initial facing was supposed to indicate the best direction to go. Since my goal was to create a really casual experience, I really should have communicated more this explicitly, e.g. with little directional arrows.

No worries :) . Glad the feedback helped.

Nice to hear you were considering the same things and and already refined the experience. It can be difficult with so much biased/loud discussion about game length to remember it can be more valuable to cut back, and even when you do to actually cut back.

Ahh yeah if you'd had the time to implement that it would have felt more natural to be there, sorry to hear it had to be cut, would have increased the impact of the conversation with steve going on too, though I tend to prefer a single refined story so enjoyed what you had.

Oh, for my experience I figured that the direction of the conversation in the background was the 'guided path' so followed that, definitely didn't consider there was a difficulty in your direction. Some communication about that will definitely help shape up any post-jam refinement you may work on for this.