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Enjoyable movement concept, but inaccuracy and inconsistency meant I could only try and complete the levels and not speedrun them.

- My favorite thing was the notion of of being able to move just while next to a wall, creating potential for roof movement and making the act of leaping from a surface feel more impactful. It made for a novel way to try and reach the end of each level.
And the ninja felt like the perfect character for this concept.

- Regrettably, though you've shown your scores and it seems cool, I was constantly battling inaccuracy and weird moments that broke attempts to flow through the level as I wanted.
When moving left/right along the ground sometimes the character would hop instead, like it's hitting a collider inaccurately or something, and the same would happen when trying to climb a wall where it would just pop off the wall, completely ruining my run even when I was just trying to complete the level.
And there wasn't enough feedback to know when you were properly on a surface enough to be able to use it, like when needing to use the roof.
If possible a simple addition like changing the sprite to grey when the ninja is in the air/can't be interacted with would be helpful. A more advanced addition if possible would be the concept of buffering movement which would help make trying to speedrun this more accessible-basically setting a flag and keeping it for a moment to say you had pressed a direction, triggering that when you hit a surface. That way you wouldn't need to be frame perfect when hitting a surface-which is already a bit difficult to tell right now as there's no animation/change to show when you have.
A nice concept and I liked enough completing level 5, but I was struggling to much to have fun trying to reach the level 1 3 second requirement to unlock level 6.


The idea of having the ninja change when it can and cannot jump is a really cool one! I'll make sure to keep it in mind! With the "Bouncing off" well, I know it's a problem with the tilemap being many collision shapes but I don't know how to fix it in Godot game engine. Also, I forgot to mention it in the tutorial, but you can press "R" to restart a level and it makes things so much easier.