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Simple but pretty cute little experience thanks to the solid clean presentation and simple premise. Sometimes it could feel a bit accidental to complete the level, but it was a fun time.

- Favorite part was trying to dodge and manipulate the enemies to go down paths that would let you jump past them. It kept passing a turn engaging in a way too.
The presentation was nice and simple, the wavy-ness of the platforms wasn't overdone but gave that touch of character to the environment as you tried to win each level, and the end screen wrap-around was a nice finish. 

- A small thing but some levels started with an enemy countdown on 1, when others showed you could start the level with an enemy already on the board. Maybe you just didn't get to adjusting those, but it would have been good if any level that had the 1 turn spawn just had 1 less turn + enemy on the board, so you didn't have to do that first pass turn every time.