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Nice concept! Sometimes I got stuck. I have fuel, the octopus leg appear next to me, and after that I cant move (before the hit). It happened twice, both times I was next to the trash deposit station, around the border. Good work, the art style and screen images are wonderful! Are those some computer aided hand driven images?

Ah, now that you mention it like this, it does seem like a bug. The idea was that once the kraken meter got to 100 (after it's been on red for a while), the kraken has caught up to you and you die. In theory, we wanted this to be some animation where the kraken kills you no matter where you are, but this didn't work in practice (lack of time and coding skills, mostly). So what happens now is that the default kraken animation plays, and the player is set to immobile so you can't escape it. Essentially, this should have been a sort of animation where the kraken's tentacles wrap around the ship so you get crushed, so it would've been more clear why the ship suddenly stops moving. I appreciate the feedback, thanks for playing!