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My God! So scary and intense! I am honestly baffled how this game has not gotten more attention. This is top notch quality. I do not have much criticism, as everything seems to polished and perfect in its own way. Of course things could be added, but they would not necessarily improve the game. The graphics are good, the audio is good, the AI is great, and the story, although not heavily relied on, is a nice addon to the game. 

And damn... "You have unlocked hard mode" my *ss. Hell naw, I could hardly complete the damn game in normal, not because of the challenge, but because I was too god damn scared to continue haha.

I must say, this was a fun and great experience. I would like a more in depth story in this game universe in the future is possible, it really holds a lot of potential I think! So great work!


I was meaning to reply soon, but was just too busy from a jam. 😄

Anyways, I enjoyed watching your playthrough! I was rooting for you till the end. I'm impressed with how much exploring you did, even though there's not much content in the game. Also I found it helpful, as seeing you play, some flaws of the game were revealed to me, like how some invisible walls were not placed properly or were very tricky.

Well overall, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but really you must try hardcore mode! 😂

Thanks much! 🙏

No worries haha. I do not expect an answer, though I do appreciate responses from the developers! :)

And yeah, I think one of the best things in games like these are hidden objects and secrets! I really enjoy looking for them, while having to deal with some bloodthirsty monster chasing me down. weird I know haha, but that is just how I am! ;D

Well, I could give it a go, but damn, it was pretty hard already!