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Polysplit Games

A member registered Jul 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi, thanks for the feedback! Btw, by "outlook" did you mean point of view? If so, yeah I did find that a bit of an issue so I kinda put a system where the camera should go closer to the player whenever near the boss, should help focus on the target. But unfortunately the trigger is slightly broken on that. I got that idea from Power Stone game by Capcom, if you're familiar. If you have other ideas on how to solve the issue, I'd be more than willing to try it. Thanks again for playing the game! 😁

You really captured the Dark Souls setup here, but with a more cute aesthetic. I think the only stuff that would be nice are; sprint attacks could close the gap between the target, optimize the game (frames were dropping on my runs), and also enemy could take a breather after attacking. This is based on the first boss fight at least, as I haven't defeated Bonart yet. But other than that, this is one of the games that caught my attention and really wanted to try so good job overall!

Really good game, I had a fun time playing! I really think match-3 battle games are so cool & relaxing at the same time. As for the difficulty, it got a bit overwhelming at the third stage as it was slightly hard to distinguish the water color from the platforms, so when it collapses I'd still think there was a platform, if that makes sense? So yeah, just a contrast issue, but other than that, this is a solid entry, another hidden gem IMO.

I really like this! How many bosses are there? I gave up on the lava wyrm, because the platforms are really punishing! Every platform in this game looks like they can be pass-through objects. So I guess we don't have to emulate every retro thing, especially the controls. Player could use some air control for precise landings and or attacks. So that way, when player makes a mistake, they blame themselves. Also a pause menu could be helpful, I died sometimes when something distracts me from the game. But other than that, I think this game is really special; bosses and stages work in tandem to make the fight more interesting and I love the nostalgic feel + easy to understand gameplay. This feels like a hidden gem that I'm glad I got to experience. Great work!

Interesting to hear your take on the shield and I agree. That still sounds fair for the player. I guess a bit more knockback, animation that locks the player and slightly more damage could be the trick. Also I do find the third boss lacking as well, but usual reason is just lack of time, I slapped him altogether in just 3 hrs lol. As a spoiler, he has magic moves that I didn't include as it wasn't as polished. Also thanks for trying it with a controller, nice to know it's playable that way for others 😄

Thanks so much for the in-depth feedback, it's truly helpful. Very valid points, will do them tweaks to the game. Thanks again! 😄

I knew it! There was missile sound, I could hear a bit. I guess the music was way too immersive haha

The atmosphere was indeed magical, characters are cute and likeable. I do like the idea of magic swapping and how you limited them to three options for ease of management. As I went on with the game, I noticed the inverted Y, but I managed to go with it because of my wife who is an inverted gamer and sometimes I have to play in her stead lol, but it might be nice to consider an invert toggle for the majority of players. I guess another thing would be to really give the magic swapping more impact/importance, as I found myself not using it too much. I like the shield a lot, but sometimes the boss attacks miss, so I decided to just spam attack to beat the boss. So maybe to refine things; Lightning is just a mobility skill, Fire is just projectile, and Rock is just a shield. Although, maybe allow the player to move/strafe when shield is up. So in total, I really like the idea you came up with, and as all our games do, they need a bit more time to be great. So just keep it up!

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Thanks for the feedback! I definitely wanted more depth to the combat by having options, and the slide /dash is also a nod to one of the inspirations to this game, which is Vanquish by Platinum Games. On another note, I might have gone too far with the hitstops, I knew I shouldn't be using them all the time as it does make the fighting slow. I'll have to remind myself of that again, thanks for doing so! 😄 As for the theme, it's more of a "replace" mechanic, as you would trade damaging blows into health restoration w/ a perfectly timed block. I guess I just couldn't stop thinking of the term "exchanging blows". But anyhow, thank you for trying the game out, I really appreciate it! 🙏

Very cool boss fights and amazing animations! It's also nice to have some player choice considered w/ the upgrades, I'm a fan of the blood spikes! Anyway, I got to the what I think is the last boss (4th fight), and was indeed a true boss. So needless to say I died, and restarting to the very start is a bit too punishing for me, so I didn't finish it. But might come back and try again later. But awesome job guys! Solid entry!

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It was fantastic to fly around feeling like you're really in there, I really got to role play at some moments, that was the best thing in this game. I also like there are important control options and a leaderboard. Scores there are insane, wtf! First time I got 2k+, then I got challenged and next run I got 12k+, but I died just when Margaret is in the death animation, so it wasn't saved sadly 😢. I guess the things you could work on are; Scale down texts in UI, HUD arrow indicators that point to the weakpoints, add sfx to shooting the missile (unless it has already that I didn't hear?), and maybe FOV shift when boosting, or FOV option in the settings.

Usually button south | X on playstation | A on Xbox are used for jumping.
While button west | ▢ on playstation | X on Xbox are used for basic attack.
The button mapping you have for spawning platforms seems perfectly fine.

I really like the minimalistic style and pretty lighting, you could probably maximize that to your benefit, so I guess Godot icon has got to go hehe... Also this could be a more action movement based shooter, like the player could move with momentum after boosting through a larger battlefield, like you're floating in space. Other than that, I think the controls are smooth, use of theme is cool (stacking the colors doubles down on the effect), however I only realized how it works after I beat the game lol.

When I saw this game, I really wanted to try it and after playing, I think you nailed the Souls-like vibes here. I felt the fear of stepping into the boss fights, great job! I also appreciate that the game is beatable, so it's more enjoyable rather than frustrating. However, the camera could use a bit more tweaking as it's moving/clipping too-close to the player + maybe a sensitivity option for mouse control would definitely be appreciated.

Saw your game and found it very interesting, can't help but think our protagonists feels a bit similar, but yours are more on the abstract side, which is very cool to see! But yeah, I think a more flowing combat & control would make this game much better.

This is very interesting, gameplay is quite fun and easy to get into! Nice use of SFX too, really satisfying to use the hammer. Only thing I wish for is more boss fights. Also I noticed the button mappings are a bit unusual, especially for jumping & hammer in the gamepad. But not really a big deal. Well done on your entry!

Cool game w/ immersive environments and nice boss fights! I really like the effort put into them, especially that you guys have two bosses per fight, which also plays with the exchange theme (tag-team). Also your game has depth due to the multitude of combat options, but can get overwhelming at the start I think because the text are diff. sizes. So I guess that can be fixed easily if they're more uniform in size & alignment (could be a simple align left or align center). Also music was getting cut off, probably needs cuts/edits to the music loop. And lastly, SFX to make everything more alive. Oh I did encounter a bug to the magma level fight, where I defeated the golem first but the flame winged guy got stuck in a bubbled phase and I couldn't kill him no more. So I restarted by dying on the magma and fought them again and didn't get the bug again.

I love the presentation, clean, minimalistic and very atmospheric. I guess the only thing that was quite hard was the main mechanic, which was parrying. Took me some time to get used to, but at first I thought RMB wasn't working. So some feedback like playing a blocking animation at button press would definitely improve the experience. Also might be nice if the hero does a short 1-2 attack combo for those button mashers, I believe that would be satisfying, especially when enemy gets staggered. Btw, I beat Speed so fast using frost orbs, is that a bug?

Haha, yeah, I was worried someone will find the healing animation a bit too long. At first I was 50/50 on using that. But it kinda grew on me, and just made shockwaves that destroy projectiles/attacks during that animation.

Thanks for the feedback, yeah I do find the turning a bit slow and sometimes it also turns to the wrong direction when parrying, will definitely improve it. Thanks again! 😄

Yes! I finally beat the bosses! The platforming was easy, I'm a dumdum. I just didn't see the platform on the left, color probably blended in too much to the wall. Cool fight, I was immersed in the setting as well. Good job!

It's quite fun, it's beatable. In my run, I think I died together with the last boss. But it was still counted as a win, which was nice! Some things that I think can be improved are; dodge cooldown being too long, boss tackle attacks need increased anticipation, and lastly sound effects to help user telegraph attacks. Other than that, well done! It was nicely presented and straightforward to the action.

The shooting and movement felt really good! I beat three bosses as well, those mini ymirs are pretty persistent lol so I died on the 4th battle, those tag-teaming MFs haha

Thank you for playing and feedback! That's quite interesting to hear. The bosses actually track the player up until the point of attack, so you'll get hit if you just stand in front of them, unless you parry of course. I believe that's how it works in Souls games. But yeah, I do think the bosses still need some more work, I only had one day to do them all 😭. 

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Thanks for the tip, yeah I did notice the slide, but I think I just fell short to the entry platform to what I think is the boss fight.
So what I did was R-click to uppercut, then jump forward, then 2nd jump, then dash. But I still can't reach. I will definitely try again, the boss designs in the screenshots looks really cool too! I don't wanna miss the fights hehe

I like your unique & intriguing art style, reminds me of Valfaris, which is cool! It's also cool that the game is beatable while challenging at the same time. Once I had that life steal, no one can stop me! haha Thanks for putting those in 

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I like how atmospheric the game is and the environment feels massive, kinda feels like Dragon Age Inquisition. I also like the minimalistic approach on UI. However when it came to the boss fight, I did struggle a bit because I didn't know I was being hit which always led to the character's demise. I haven't beaten the boss yet, but I'll try again later.

Yes, that was genius! I love cosmic horror hehe

Sadly I couldn't get past the platforming section. Am I missing something? Others seem to have fought the boss. I really like the character design! Lmk if there's some tips so I could go fight the boss, thanks!

Wow! A truly cosmic horror experience! I love the dark atmosphere, the shader work, smooth controls and just overall uniqueness or strangeness rather. During my first run through I was like "What have you done to my screen!?". Then played a second time, did everything I could, beat all the monsters chasing me, exchange the plasma to the big thing but I wasn't sure if it was beatable. But it occurred to me maybe that's part of the design of driving the player mad, which is inXane! haha

Gotta say the illustration is really nice! I obviously like red and blue themes, as well as Japan related stuff. As for gameplay, I did find it a bit awkward to control, especially in this day and age where WASD is more common.
Also would like to have some kind of distinction to the background in the 2nd boss fight, the fast train movement does make it hard to see what's going on. Another thing to consider is to let player manually charge the special attack, so there's some decision making involved when to let it go. Sorry for me being nitpicky, I do see potential in this game and obviously I'd like to have a better play experience because the setting, characters, designs are just drawing me in!

Cool art! Environment made me feel like I'm in Berserk and all that behelit vibes! Would be nice if the bosses stepped in a bit more, slap the hero or something, or like a full wide attack to show their dominance and make me suffer indeed hehe.. Also I really like the text effect and the pacing of it, how did you do that!?

Pretty nice mechanic and really smooth controls. Didn't find any bugs at all, well done! Sadly I couldn't get pass the 2nd boss after 6 tries. I guess it was too frantic, my eyes were looking everywhere (boss's color, bullet sprays, weapon box, weapon equipped).
So I guess here are some ideas you can use; add mouse scroll to change 1-2-3 weapons, weapon from exchange box directly goes to player, health packs, maybe a less intense color for incoming damage (yellow, transparent or just outline maybe), and lastly the boss could take a breather.
Other than that I really enjoyed playing against the first boss, it was challenging too, had me on 1 hp sometimes. The music, sfx sounded good too, so I think you did well overall.

Glad you liked it! Warms my heart, thank you for playing & beating the game! 😄

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Yeah, games or media that's presented like that is most probably going for the horror genre. On a side note, I noticed that in some noticeably horror games here on, they are labeled as "adventure" instead of "horror" and thought maybe because the horror genre is flooded in here, or the game/s are literally just adventures to experience. So based on those thoughts, I also went with the same labeling, as I want users to experience something more than just a scary or creepy game.

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I see you referenced my game Freakbalang, after finishing developing it, I just forgot to put the tag back in. I have tagged it as horror now. I removed it before because at its early stages the story was so incomplete, I felt like it didn't deserve that tag and basically it felt like an empty walking simulator. But now that the game is complete, I believe the "love" story I made is horror. Btw, have you tried the game yet? And did it feel like horror to you? (but kindly don't spoil the story for the others, thanks!) 😁

Started my day watching your playthrough and seeing your progress and perseverance to finish was amazing!
You revealed some flaws the game has and also an objective bug as well (when you exited right away to avoid combat).
On one part of the vid, immediately I was like "YES!" when you had an epiphany during the boss fight.
(You stayed in the air by resetting attacks with the dash.)

For another Quick Tip: Dash has a short invulnerable time window.

But yeah, overall I enjoyed the video, commentary & of course the cool playthrough & strategy.
Thank you so much for taking interest in Gyzer Zero!
P.S. sorry about the flame throwers being invulnerable 😂 so I might need to reconsider that.

Thanks for the in-depth comment! You have an interesting take on the game & would definitely take it into consideration. 😊

I did feel that the enemy HP is a bit high, but I did find it necessary if players want to string various combos in a character action game. In fact in this game, if you do juggle the enemies long in the air, you'd be able to eliminate them in a quick fashion. Especially if you utilize air combos & bring it all down with a continuous dive attack damage. But yeah, I agree that the game just needs a combat tutorial or maybe a difficulty selection. For now I heavily rely on player's creativity at this stage of development as I would make changes/additional mechanics to combat.

Probably some tips if you choose to retry:

  • Red Ether bonds to the enemy, signified by a gauge above their head, which fills up when you attack them. When full, it allows you to pull them in.
  • For minimalistic UI, the enemy HP only shows up when you lock-on to them (MMB).
  • There's a strategy to the activation of checkpoint fountains if you want to speedrun the game.
  • There's a hidden attack/move, the "Jump Cancel" which you can do during an incantation move (signified by the red rune/rings). Useful way to air juggle, break-off the monotonous combos & of course dodge.

This is really a passion project of mine & having your comment is truly helpful in the development of Xekureat. Definitely watch out for more as I have ideas for better exploration/level design, unique robes you can find & equip, multiple enemy types, boss battles & of course a short but engaging story.

Thank you! I'm already planning on things to add & fix, as well as adding support for mobile browser. Come check it out again once it's out. 😄