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Thanks Sky for the great response.

I have a question regarding your Rule #3 though -- Do you know of any specific social media/forum/discord server that is dedicated to game dev community? I'd like to check those out myself.

You are quite welcome ted. 

Sorry about the late response, been very busy working on my next game release soon.

Anyways, yeah there's actually quite a few. Depends on what you are looking for exactly then just simply search for it. That is how I found most of the groups I am apart of by simply looking around. Many I came across by accident when looking or doing something else too.

Think about what engine are you planning on using and look for communities about that. Take part in the forums there on those pages for those particular engines. I use Unreal Engine 4 so I poke around there a lot and help if I know something.

Also, think about are you a Blender 3D Artist or a Pixel Artist or something else then look for for communities and forums and chatrooms involving that.

I'm not able to share the Discord Channels I am in because the admins don't currently allow it but I can give you the pages I found them on if you wish but the groups I am in might not benefit you as well depending on your actual interests as far as what you are trying to accomplish.

Most the channels I am in on discord are from Udemy which are paid courses groups so I cannot share them except for 2. One is Skirmish.IO and another is Blender Nation. If those two interest you let me know and i'll give you the page links with the discord link since I know where those are at.

For other Communities -

- Blender Community (and steam) if you use those

- Tigsource


- Skirmish.IO

- IndieGameLaunchpad.IO

- Indiegogo

- IndieDB

- IDGB (Internet Game Database)

- Social Media is a good idea too so you can post what you're working on to get attention (fb has dev groups to apply to join)

- LinkedIn (has dev groups to apply and join)

Theres many more but I am not sure where I put  the bookmarks for to those and i don't remember them very well since I haven't really used them all that much.