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(1 edit)

Hello again (I'm discovering ok x) ), just had a question about the second icon on the phone, the heart with the pinkish background, what does it do ? When I open it, nothing appears, is it the contact list ? And if it is, will we have a way to see the full characters in this contact list ? Just met Phantom, and sweet jesus, I could make a poster to fix above my bed out of him x)

Little edit : And I was wondering, (sorry for all the questions x) ), how many GCs you think to add ? One for every scene with a guy, maybe ? :3 I must say that I'm happy to find your game, cuz I don't play a lot of html games because it's only text, and I'm more a "visual" guy x)


It will be about the guys you meet, yes. We're going to be updating this later on along with other things about the gui. For CGs. There will be some in specific, the artists are free to create whatever they want, and whoever is on the tier of getting a scene added in on patreon.

Ok ok, thanks again :) Maybe if, one day, the bank send my new card, I'll be able to give some money x) But be ready for other questions, they might come soon x)