Thanks, but yeah, sadly the deadline wasn't everlasting. We had other ideas, more wagons and all, but we have to submit it one day or another x)
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Same as the others. An interesting idea, but hard to see if we'll land on a flower due to the camera position. It lacks audio, and you can easily camp on one side of the meadow. And maybe the flower could disappear a bit slower. I stood on a flower and before the new flowers grown, I've seen the number of flowers drop significantly. But otherwise, a good idea ^^
Really fun game but pretty hard x) The fact that there's two paths for the viewers almost make it impossible to not loose life, especially that you have to do a full "circle" to get back to the ground if you're on the ceiling, and vice-versa, that can make you loose some time. Maybe adding a life regen according to if you do good actions ? But nonetheless, a really cool concept ^^
A funny game. I like the fact that you have to pay attention to bounces. After, a bit long at the end, with always the same enemy, and only one map, a little audio problem, where the shots sounds decreased on time, and the powerups also applies to the ennemies (like, if I choose the largest shot, theirs will be largest too, or split too if I choose this bonus, I don't know if it's intended like that ^^). But a really fun game nonetheless :)
In fact, pretty chaotic in the movements, the system with the ice thingie can be interesting. A bit sad that there's just one level, and I had some problems with the mouse, if I loose, it doesn't appear anymore, and it's pretty hard to click on the restart button. Also, impossible to take the cube and to put it on the the pad, I can't jump while on the pad, so can't go over it, and the arms will always grab above the character, so impossible to grab it too... But the exit is not too far :p