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A member registered Dec 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks, but yeah, sadly the deadline wasn't everlasting. We had other ideas, more wagons and all, but we have to submit it one day or another x)

Interesting idea ^^ I gave up on the lvl 5, but the idea of chaos in all those random rotations melted my brain x) I might play it again later !

Same as the others. An interesting idea, but hard to see if we'll land on a flower due to the camera position. It lacks audio, and you can easily camp on one side of the meadow. And maybe the flower could disappear a bit slower. I stood on a flower and before the new flowers grown, I've seen the number of flowers drop significantly. But otherwise, a good idea ^^

81/82 :/ Fun game, a bit hard to push some objects, and some collision problems, but fun to play. Tried desperately to push the pan or the knives to finish it, but they doesn't seem to move x)

Love the intro. The graphics are great, the music too. But my lazy me found that you can easily beat the high score by just following the two yellow line in the middle. Maybe adding some obstacle there can be good to avoid it ^^

Really fun game but pretty hard x) The fact that there's two paths for the viewers almost make it impossible to not loose life, especially that you have to do a full "circle" to get back to the ground if you're on the ceiling, and vice-versa, that can make you loose some time. Maybe adding a life regen according to if you do good actions ? But nonetheless, a really cool concept ^^

Funny ^^ I must say it's not that challenging, as the boss is pretty slow, and a bit empty, would be nice to be able to destroy a bit more than desks, but fun to play. The music is good, the art too, but I had some lag problems once in a while.

Like a lot of people, a really nice game, visually and audio speaking. The fact that the attacks change randomly can be a good concept, but for the gameplay, it stops here ^^ I'll not repeat what others said, I have the same remarks :p

Great game. A bit hard to understand what's happening at first when we go to hell the first time. And a bit hard to know what to do too, like adding some visual hints on what we can break or else. But the concept is interesting :)

Pretty fun. As others said, a bit empty without sound, but can be interesting to develop ^^

Funny game ^^ Would be nice to have how you unlock the different weapons, and some tweaks here and there, but definitely a fun game ^^

A quite fun game, but with some big problems, like invisible walls, attacks failing everytime, ennemies blocked in a wall, the camera hitting the wall and giving a weird angle. But it's a good idea, and it can give something interesting if polished :)

A funny game. I like the fact that you have to pay attention to bounces. After, a bit long at the end, with always the same enemy, and only one map, a little audio problem, where the shots sounds decreased on time, and the powerups also applies to the ennemies (like, if I choose the largest shot, theirs will be largest too, or split too if I choose this bonus, I don't know if it's intended like that ^^). But a really fun game nonetheless :)

The idea is nice, having to longer more on the space bar to shoot the biggest one. Some tweakings to do, I think, like being able to move while shooting  and all, but otherwise a good idea.

Fun game, I like the fact that you have to work a bit against your character to not mess up with him throwing potions everywhere. A bit hard to reach some platforms, and it still need some tweakings, but fun to play :)

Nice game. Didn't go really far cuz I'm bad at it, but still fun x) As other said, needed a bit of time to get used to the mouse control, but it's interesting.

Yes, sorry for that. We went first in zqsd (french keyboard), and we remembered too late that we should change x)

I totally understand, I think we all had something we didn't do because of the lack of energy/time x)

Fun game ! The audio suits really well, and I like the pixel art. Little problem with the text when you skip the typing, it appears twice before you click on the arrow again. But otherwise, really fun to play !

Really funny game, it's simple and it works ^^ As some said, it would have been nice to have some other levels, and I saw sometimes a train of stuck people x) But they're easy to unstuck once you get one, or use the bowling ball (it's free points x) )

In fact, pretty chaotic in the movements, the system with the ice thingie can be interesting. A bit sad that there's just one level, and I had some problems with the mouse, if I loose, it doesn't appear anymore, and it's pretty hard to click on the restart button. Also, impossible to take the cube and to put it on the the pad, I can't jump while on the pad, so can't go over it, and the arms will always grab above the character, so impossible to grab it too... But the exit is not too far :p

I don't think there's a way to see them. It all depend of the actions you take (like, if you sniff the rabbit's towel in the gym, it'll enable this flag). But it could be nice to be able to see which one are on ^^

Yop everybody. I discovered this game recently, and I saw that the last update was in last september, is there any new update in sight ? (and if somebody knows if it's possible to have all the images, let me know, I only have on with Hazel, or I don't remember his name x) )

It's only an html game for now. But next update, you should be able to, they're switching on unity

Oh, it happens when you're lvl 2. You'll have Zorro asking you for a quest.

I know it's been 40 days, but I just saw the notification now x) Sorry, but I don't know any Gour too x) Who's this guy ? x)

Aaaaah, when is that damned end of the month ????? x)

It's the heart icon with a pinkish background. But it's not implemented yet. Maybe on the next update, with the switch on unity, I don't know ^^

I don't think you can find him abywhere else at the moment (and for your other questions, I don't know, but don't make one thread for each questions please)

It doesn't go further atm. If you choose the sub route, there's a bit "more", but the "dom" route, you're stuck with him saying to meet him during the night.

No need to be sorry x) But yeah, I remembered that there was one month without, but didn't remember which

I don't remember, is there an update this month ? ^^