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Hi Haythem! I remember you! Thank you for being so invested in our games! ^_^

I agree with almost everyone you want to romance, except I'd personally add Chuck to the list. lol. Also, if you're interested, I left a comment above to Nymrod addressing Adam's "controllability". Hopefully that helps alil.

(1 edit)

oh thank you for replying I am a fan since let's meet Adam 1 and I need to say this one is pretty good can't wait for the 3td part we always gonna support you so keep doing your amazing art 

But to be honest I think that if you considered adding some stuff in the game it would be a lot better like maybe 

Going into a a darker place and joining the guys forgetting about his initial plan 

Possessing more control over Adam action lol maybe by controlling who you can be in a relationship with 

And maybe more tad 😂 

But I know that adding all this can add more work to you but it's understandable and you can make us pay more which is Okey with us 

The element of horror and thriller in the game is so satisfying and I have no comments on them just if we could kill someone or 2 and make stuff move 

Finally sorry for my horrible English it's my 3rd language and I will be waiting for your future projects