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Hey, thanks for trying the demo.

I mean.. I could do that, but I'm not sure why it's needed.

It adds more work for me and likely slows down the gameplay (only when climbing) but gives almost no benefit that I can see other than it may look more "realistic".

So this issue is not very high on the list.

Thanks for the feedback though. :)

(4 edits)

Yeah, it gives no benefit except making the game more realistic.
Playing the game, I was under impression that realistic feel is your goal.
Most of the time the game gives me Super Metroid vibes. Grim setting, the feeling of some unknown dangers waiting around the corner. I love it!
And then... Hop! The immersion breaks. Each of those silly pull-jumps yanks me out of this grim world into the realm of cartoon.
"Not very high on the list" is a perfect position for this issue as long as it actually is on the list.

Mechanically there's basically no difference.
Thematically it's a difference between full immersion and occasionally breaking it.

Yes, you're right in that I'm going for a somewhat more realistic style, but only to a certain point.

And well, even if I added an animation for the player to crawl up ledges the other jumping way would still be there as there are sections where you have to jump from ledge to ledge and such.

So I'm not sure if this will be worth my time, it's on the list but that doesn't mean it will be added any time soon or at all.

I get what you're saying though but.. I don't know, not very high on the list.

Maybe in a future ledge-pull DLC. :-)
Not a gamebreaker.