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Glad you like it! I actually prefer a little more develop pixel art style, but I don't have the talent for it. I have to practice more ๐Ÿ˜…

I will be improving the animal AI, so they don't go running in front of you by accident, so expect more chasing!

I should consider teaming up with someone! This was my second entry in the GWJ, but I always end up working on my own mainly to challenge myself to do everything (here's my first game, if you are curious).

Thanks for the support and kind words! ๐Ÿ™Œ


I noticed that a good few people do choose to go it alone. Nothing wrong with that really. But once you try working in a team a few times, and get people who are fairly like minded, I'm sure it would be tough to go back to solo. As for your art, I'm no professional, but if you ever want some tips or a critique on something that you made- you're more than welcome to message me on Discord. ^^


I agree that once you start working with a team, it's hard to go back... In another GWJ I will try it ๐Ÿคฉ
And I will most certainly take you on the tip/critique proposal! Same to you, if you need opinions on game design/ narrative ๐Ÿ‘‰