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OMG OMG OMG "THE HOUSE IN FATA MORGANA" IS ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITES [Hakuoki too, tho]!!! O.O I even bought my free-game-only friend a copy in Steam (my excuse was it was her birthday present) to force her to play it because I love it that much XD XD I didn't forget to sleep playing it tho. The first chapter blew me away that I thought, "I-I should keep this as pristine as possible in my mind o.o". So I took my time to savor it, maybe an interval of a month or two between chapter XD XD


I knoooww >////<
I also savored each chapter though maybe a bit too much--this is one of the reasons why Bermuda's word count increased exponentially!
The House in Fata Morgana inspired me so much, I absorbed the angst like a sponge and tried to make one of my own... of course, mine won't be as good as the master but I hope you can enjoy it >_<;

I was the same as you though, it took me a few months and tissues in between to finish playing it QuQ