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I've played the game again, v0.1.9, and it impresses much as before.

Directly: I have a few suggestions. These wouldn't quite qualify as "constructive criticism" in the cold sense because the game's clearly doing well as it is; these are just "prettying up" features I'd like to request.

One is about gameplay and graphics relationship. When we set the protagonist to hang from a ledge, it seems her hitbox immediately becomes that long, low-hanging form - even before the animation has had time to catch up. This creates an impression now and again of turret fire hitting air shortly underneath the protagonist, yet doing her in.

I'd like to propose either rework of the animation to reflect the immediate hitbox change, or- my personal preference- rework the hitbox so that for a brief moment it is smaller, matching the graphic animation sprites of lowering down.

Admittedly, this latter option would offer a touch of mercy when navigating those platform areas with turrets waiting to shoot us in the brief moment we hang.


My suggestions are just graphic from here on.

One is that the blood in general in this game be significantly darker, possibly even as red as real-world hemoglobin, so as to serve the darker purpose of the atmosphere and story, and the ruthlessness of the gameplay.

My other suggestion is much bigger, and I definitely understand if you choose to give this a miss, but I have to mention it:

Giving the thugs of the two alien factions "jobs" - that is, things they're doing that explain why each is where he(?) is. As it stands, a lot of these guys just stand and walk around, which can let some of the momentum wind down when we realize there's supposed to be both a war going on, and that the crest-headed faction has a factory they're supposed to be running/guarding.

This request is purely aesthetic- say a spare animation here or there for when the character is idle, such as picking up dirt samples, sweeping up the ground, or operating a terminal.

Obviously this wouldn't need affect gameplay one bit; it's just something that I think could really liven the experience and give reason to the thugs currently just walking around and waiting to die.

I understand this is a wall, and I realize I'm asking of you things when I haven't ever even made a functional game yet. Please accept this feedback with understanding that I'm strongly liking Black Resin and eagerly look forward to its progress.


Your sincere statement is already noted. People like you are very important to us because it shows that you not only played the game but you CARE about it. Thank you very much! :) 

Yes, jumping and hanging on the edge is something to refine. Bit by bit we will improve this prototype but most of our energy we want to spend on finding a publisher and building the full version.

We are aware of many non-immersive situations in the game - that's the beauty of a prototype, we show the idea but it's not very consistent in details. In the full version I assure you that there will be no such situations. :>