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Okay, yeah, I was right about the good feeling I had about the Sheriff - oh man! I cannot wait to romance Geoffrey - his route seems the most intriguing so far. In fact, the Nottingham route in general is very interesting. Great demo! :D

Not gonna lie though, at first I was a bit turned off by Marion's 'changing appearance' thing, despite it making perfect sense and adding lots of drama and opportunity to the game. That initial feeling was mainly due to the implications of the guys falling for a Marion that isn't 'fully' Marion, and not knowing it, but hopefully Geoffrey and Gui will discover the true Marion -- at least in their respective paths -- with a nice chunk of 1-on-1 time to spend with that version of her before the end of the game.

My favorite LIs remain Geoffrey and John. Tall, dark, handsome and protective. But, now I can fully say, I will be playing every one of those paths. ;)

Looking forward to the Kickstarter! :)


Don't worry, I'm quite aware of the issues around Marion's altered appearance. It'll all come out quite nicely in the wash (and is only an active issue in Geoffrey and Gui's route).