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I remembered the previous Priscilla game and liked it. This is a really good sequel! The game balance in the battles is a big improvement over the first game. The difficulty level wasn't super hard, but it also felt like I was really thinking carefully about my moves the entire time.

I also liked that even though each room was essentially the same mission, you found a way to make each one feel fresh and different. I noticed in one of the comments that you made the Jack 'O Lantern sprite, it came out well!

Looking forward to what you make for Magical Girl Game Jam 3!


Awesome, thanks for the compliment! I spent a bunch of time trying to get the battle balance right here, so I’m glad (relieved!) that it worked out. Also, thanks for the compliment on the Jack ‘O Lantern! I had intended to have more original art but ran out of time. Maybe that’s something I could do for this upcoming jam? We’ll see...

I’m looking forward to MGGJ3 also and can’t wait to see what inspiring works you and everyone else come up with, too.