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Didn't expect you to credit me for a suggestion there, but thanks lol. Good to see the implementation, it's a lot less distracting now the shadows don't appear when there's no light. :)

Although, I found the menu harder to navigate now, you lock the mouse in, but the cursor is invisible at that point and you have to guess the keyboard controls for it.

Let me know when you get that online scoreboard in! ;)

Sorry for the late reply!

Nah, it's not a big deal and thanks for the suggestion. Never thought about the menu keyboard control problem. The menu doesn't have mouse support at all currently. It works with keyboard and Xbox 360 controller, but it's a good point that maybe it can be confusing if you don't already know the controls. Also I know I forgot to add the weapon stats screen button for the controller, it works with keyboard by pressing shift. Not the most self explanatory thing though thanks to the not so clear icons.

I don't know when I'll implement the on-line scoreboard. I am working on a generic login/scoreboard that if I'll be happy with, then I can implement it to the game. Actually it's working, I can register, and log in, I different queries are working. So all I need is to copy that into this game... though I am thinking about the name and password input method (mainly because of the controller support). Now this simple prototype thing is generic keyboard only thing.

Also since it's out of the jam, probably I'll add 16:9 support because why not?