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This game was exceptional. Nothing was as it seemed. It was creepy and cool, puzzles weren't too difficult and I could easily progress through the story. I liked the idea of having branching endings, though I'm quite satisfied with the one I got. 

The ambient sounds and music were excellent, the sound is always something crucial in a horror game and it was done very well here.

It's short, sweet and to the point, an excellent horror experience that I recommend everyone trying for themselves. 

I hope you don't mind but I recorded a let's play of the game.

Cheers and best wishes.


Thank you so much for your playthrough and comments! We enjoyed watching you play, and wanted to point out that you've got a great voice, haha. Glad you enjoyed playing it!


It was my pleasure, I'm glad you enjoyed the video and thank you for the compliment! I'll be sure to check out some of your other work as well, and keep an eye out for any future releases. Best of luck!