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Well the big hole part comes from the fact that in the time of 7 days I worked on the game about 3 hours.
Thanks for the Feedback, tho the Art was from an Assetpack I just coded the player and enemies


Was just going to comment the same things, your reply covered me,

well done for making such a nice game in only 3 hours! That's is fantastic! I do not know how to do half the stuff you showed here! (could I ask if you have any tutorials to share? How did you made the lamps light up?)

Since I am also using Godot and new to this, I hope you dont mind me sharing this clip that helped me export my games in HTML5, so more people can play them instead of downloading them each time. Really helps me at jams.

hope it helps!

Hey, the Lighting System is the one GameEndeavor created.

I am just using a area2d with a signal and then do if == "Player":