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First off, you credited each and every sound you used in-game and that is amazing in it's own right. Not many creators/developers do that, especially since most of the songs/sounds commonly used are fair use and non-copyright/creative commons. Secondly, you incorporated actual law enforcement codes into your game which is cool as hell. 

To begin, this is my favorite game submitted to the Scream FM Horror Game Jam. Extended continuation of review is below video ↓

Gameplay begins @ 15:22 🕹️

I don't know much of anything when it comes to the SCP universe so I'm out of the loop but because of this game, I can definitely understand why it is so popular and widespread. Even though the organizations and creatures/entities are fictional, the surreal, clinical, almost noncritical, everyday tone given to the procedures and classifications makes it all seem so real and that's terrifying. I enjoyed reading every poster I came across and the fact that the main character simply walks their own pace for each level makes the whole ordeal more scary and tense yet so exciting. It's like our guy has done this (or trained for this exact moment) a million times before especially with how he communicates with HQ; so reserved, showing barely any emotion or in other words, professional af

I love this game (and want to adopt a Type Xi entity; the multiplying cup sequence was really funny).

The sounds are perfect, especially the garbled radio dialogue which is a stand-out feature.

It's just simple yet complex enough for my tiny brain to enjoy. I go pew-pew


Following to see what comes next!


Thank you so much for the comment, I'm super glad you liked it, it means a lot to me!