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so its intentional, why? isnt it a living area? and from what i understand the passes are very hard to get, if they are one time use they would have to be rather accessible, at least in UNA, else no one would ever leave because they would be locked out. but there is a line to get in, so they have to be somewhat easy to get, but if they are one time then they wouldn't be as personal like a  id, and real ones would be sold all over. it just doesn't make sense from a world building perspective. 

There isn't really an explanation, other than gameplay wise it's to make it so that you don't go up there regularly, until you find a reasonable method to obtain passes. The idea is that there's so much traffic, and that's why they're so hard to get.

that is counter intuitive, if there is a lot of traffic it means there is a lot that are getting the passes then, while sure supply isn't matching demand, but many are still getting in.  at the very least there should be a seller of the real passes then. it sounds like you intend there to be a more permeant way up in the future. or your talking about the tinker option with the passes. kind of odd but ok, though there isnt exactly all that much up there now, but its a bit tedious when hunting for the new content after a update. 

There are plans for a more convenient way to get in later, but it's not available yet!