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What is the tile size? 16x16 or 32x32?

(1 edit)

All our tilesets are available in 48x48 sizes.  Most are also available in 32x32.

Does this particular one, the candy one, include 32x32? Is there a list of which do and don't include 32x32? I will probably buy several of them but I'd like to know which do/don't have 32x32. Thanks!

Yes, it definitely does.  Right now, the easiest way to tell is to see if there's a zip file attached that has the word "ace" in it...those are the 32x32 ones.  If you don't see one for any particular tileset, just let me know and I'll add it.  There are probably only a couple that don't have them right now.

Perfect. Thank you!