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Yeah, that's something we all suffer from. And also note the question "What is feedback?". I mean when people write me "This game is wonderful" it's just as useful to me as when they write "This game is shit", of course, I'd rather see the former than the latter, I'll admit that, but still.... Now a lot of people can't be arsed to write serious feedback, so expecting that to happen by just posting a game will just be like a lottery ticket when it comes to feedback. The chance you get USEFUL feedback that way is about as big as the chance you'll win over a million dollars in the lottery.

We do have the "Get Feedback" forum here on itch, which is entirely dedicating in asking people for feedback ( Requesting it there does not guarantee you get feedback, but at least the people who can be arsed to write actual feedback. 

Unfortunately I am in the middle of prepping my own game project up for the official beta status (if you don't mind alpha you can download it from itch already) making that I do not have much time to actively seek out games in order to give feedback. If I had more time I would have been looking at your stuff already.  From what I can see the graphics are not your strongest point, but hey, it's not mine either, I just had the luck I was given some handy stuff I was allowed to work out so I can "show off" a little, but unfortunately it's the first thing people and judge by. And what may also be important as that you provide more information on your game pages in order to make people know a bit what to expect. Telling this in a nice juicy matter is hard, but will also do a more great deal. In the end it's the gameplay that matters most, but unfortunately with the high load on games out there already (even when you only look for free games) the presentation can do a lot to attract people. So that is without playing the first tip I can give you. If you know people who are pretty good in that department perhaps you can ask them for some ways how to do this. If there are some people talented in this field in your friends network, and most notably your IRL friend network (I mean outside the internet) it's even better.

When it comes to gameplay and technical stuff I really can't spare the time now to look (as I got too much on my own plate for now), but if you are serious enough (which it looks like you are) you can learn a lot from experience (I had to learn it without the internet. Can you imagine?)

thanks, but one more thing before I go, I don't see how the graphics aren't my strong point cause I'm an artist I draw a lot