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I will send you a video how to set it up, ok?

Thanksyou that would help

(2 edits)

The Video I hope you understand how to do it.

thankyou i will sort it out in a bit that explains it really well 

Then do some screenshots, so I can tell you if you're using those scripts right. :)

Will do

Iam gonna modify the script a bit anyway to put inside my dailog system so now that multiple sentences will work

You mean like one sentence ends, a second starts?

Because you can do multiple sentences, only i diffrent places and stuff, but yea, you can edit it.

And by the way, Arrays start from 0.

For example the first thing you have in the sentence is "Hi", the second is "Bye".

You want to say hi, so you write 0, because that's the first element of the array, to acess others you add one.

You probably know this. Why am I explaining it to you. XD

Yeah i knew but its fine thanks everything is working i also managed to fix a glitch thanks to your script where you would enter a certain zone the dialog would start then renter the zone and it would write above it no longer have that problem anymore