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Yeah thanks if you don't mind also at some point when the first part of the game is done could i send it to you for playtesting?

Yes, I can playtest your game, that's just fair, because you're Playtesting my game. So yeah, I can playtest it. :)

Thanks i think in the next couple weeks i will have level 1-10 done if you'd be able to look at them?

Yes, just send the Google Drive link here, when I will download it I will write that here and you'll delete it from the drive, so I could only access it.

I could share my e-mail, but I don't want to get spams, because I know, there's some people who like doing that. :(

Thats fine i will do that near the time and just message you when a short demo is ready :)


(1 edit)

Here's the code:

It's a UnityPackage

Explanations are in the code as comments, if you need help with any other code, just ask. There are two scripts, and both of them are needed, if you need help setting it up, I can record my screen and send you the video. :)

Thanoyu i appreciate it :)

If you need help with any other code, just ask. :)


Is my code working in your game?

Just getting everything set up now 

I doesn't work

You didn't download it right.

(1 edit)

I will put it in a zip file, and send it to you?

ok thanks Here you go!

Then send me if it works

Thanks is it ok if i modify it to work with my script?

It's an unity package