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Have you given any thought to batch imports or command line arguments?

First off thank you for creating this! As a developer with zero artistic talent, I am very grateful.

I've taken a look at your file format and its well laid out. thank you for using JSON. it makes these assets easy to version with source control. I'd like to utilize your software as part of the build pipeline. to do this it would  have to handle a sort of batch import.

basically I'm requesting that it accepts a set of command line switches that would start the following workflow: 

  1. launch the software
  2. open a file (or all files in a directory), path from command line
  3. run the batch export process. output location from command line
  4. close the software and exit with a meaning full return code (i.e. non-zero if input file format was invalid, or an asset is missing, etc)

I understand this would probably require a desktop (i.e. its not going to run headless). But making sure that all a projects assets are up to date would be worth running this overnight.

Thank you for your time! and you are doing a great job!

Hello! Thank you very much for your suggestion. Indeed, at this point the app cannot run properly without a desktop. Accepting command line switches and outputting return codes after an automatic processes, however, is something we can do. We'll let you know if this feature has seen some progress in the future!