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Very nice little game. It feels very complete which fits the name of the jam. I really like the music and it loops well. The art is simplistic but fitting and the ghost effect is fun, if a little understated. The concept of the ghost power itself is a little underused though. I think it needs more limitations, like a time limit or similar. Basically, there needs to be some reason to use the ghost power at a certain time. As it stands, one could use it at the beginning and then platform or platform first and use it at the end. There is also a typo in the outro text. "succesful" I believe it says. Great job!

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree, there is some lost potential in the ghost power. I tried to think of a way to make it more fun and interesting to play as the ghost, but nothing really came to mind.


I think it would be cool if the ghost couldn't wander so far from the body, so you had to plan when to ghost up in order to reach the thing. Platforming wise you could plan levels where the player has to ghost in midair and the body pauses while you collect the thing. Could be cool. Either way fantastic job.