This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-12-27 18:00:00 to 2020-12-30 18:00:00. View results

The Completion Jam is a 72 hour game jam all about completing and finishing games.
It is hosted by gamedev youtuber:

The theme will be announced on youtube at the start of the jam.


After the game jam has concluded there will be a 4 day judging/rating period, everyone who has submitted a game will then rate other people's games

There are 5 criteria that all games will be judged on:

Overall - How was the game in general? How did every aspect of the game come together? And what was the overall experience like?

Theme - How well did the game fit the theme? And how original and/or creative was the use of the theme?

Gameplay - How did the game feel to play? How well was the game designed? How fun was it to play?

Visuals - How did the game look? Was it polished? Were the animations good and the art well made? How was the use of visual effects?

Audio - How was the music and sound in the game? And how did it affect the way the game felt to play?

There are a couple of rules that you need to follow:

1. You need to create the actual game within the 72 hours, you are however allowed to use assets and scripts you made before this game jam.

2. Using assets that you didn't create yourself is allowed but make sure to give credit where credit is due.

3. Extremely inappropriate or NSFW games are not allowed.

4. You can work either solo or in a team.

5. Rate other games honestly and fair.

6. By participating is this jam you give me permission to show footage of your game on my youtube channel.

The top 10 best game will be featured in a video on my channel.
Everyone featured will also get a link in the description to either their channel or a video they've made about the game.