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I just finished playing both games in the series and I found them quite enjoyable. It has a few rough edges but they don't affect the experience. The following is just my subjective impression:

Positive points: atmosphere (visuals and audio), nice characters and branching narrative. Jumping right into the story without long intros/tutorials. 

Neutral points: it could use just a little more character development but I found them likable and believable as they are. This may also be out of the scope of a short novel, making less more and viceversa. The difficulty of the puzzles in this part was more even and a little easier.

The only mildly negative points are that I missed having longer endings and that I wished the interface could be more keyboard-oriented. I don't mind scrolling down and tapping with the trackpad but it becomes a bit of an issue (for lazy people like me :P) when the options take more than one screen (meaning that scrolling down to the bottom hides the top options).

Overall, an interesting read, very recommendable. Thank you for making these games and for taking the time to answer.

Thanks! Glad you had fun :)