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(1 edit)

Damm thats a neat game, the gameplay flows very well and i also liked the music and graphics :)

idk if that was intentional but this "parkourly" gameplay really gave some Celeste / IWBTG vibes, and it doesnt really feel like a metroidvania thought. I like the difficulty, but some parts are kinda frustrating, especially the first rooms you need to use the grapple.(i bet it would be easier if i used a gamepad, but apparently it doesnt work with my Xbox controller)

btw i also found a bug were i fell out a room after killing all the enemies, and then they didnt wanted to respawn, so i had to reset the game, not sure what happened


thanks for playing

you actually named two of the games inspirations.  about the metroidvania thing, i didn't get to add a mini map so i was worried exploration would be frustrating
you may have noticed that some of the floor-less rooms suddenly have a floor if you walk back into them after clearing them, that way backtracking would be possible but yeah most of the game isn't like that
yeah i know the room with the soft lock, i forgot about it and didn't get to fix it, my bad

again thanks for the feedback!