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I have just finished reading "The future of cave" and here are my thoughts (and remember that the player doesn't always know what's best): 

Point 1: I see your rebuttal to my argument and I understand where you're coming from. In this case you may want to introduce players to materials that they are unfamiliar with. (Iron is familiar, while "Intressium" is not) This might allow the player to feel like that they are actually learning how the world around works and behaves if implemented correctly. Just don't be like: "Aha, you have found the blueprints to a iron pickaxe", because it makes sense for people to know how to make an iron pickaxe already. (Unless the plot somehow makes this not so.)

TL:DR In my opinion you should only lock crafting when it makes sense in the lore to do so.

Point 2: This is a much smaller point. I believe that it would be cool to have a seed system like Minecraft's, so that you can revisit a past seed if you want. (Also set-seed speed runs?👀)

"Point" 3: This "point" is just a new idea. While reading this devlog I thought of an idea that I don't recall seeing in any other game ever. Dynamic info boxes. Now this probably sounds confusing and stupid (as it may very well be), but hear me out. I thought,"Well this game is going to be about discovery". I thought that maybe that as you learn more about an item the description updates. When you first collect copper it says "A heavy bar of copper" and (I'm assuming the game's setting is medieval) you can figure out that copper can be imbued with magic (electricity) and the info box would update to reflect that. Or maybe just ditch info boxes for a journal.

TL:DR No tldr for you this time >:)

"Point" 4: I think that it would be cool to have the player discover something that the dwarves couldn't. Just some food for thought.

Can't wait to hear back! -Nick

Wonderful feedback! In regards to your idea, I had something similar in mind. "Knowledge" will become a game mechanic. What I want to avoid are situations like in Minecraft, where the player goes to the wiki and hyper optimises everything from the start, because that would contradict with the story. Cave will be a linear story game in that regard and players can't just "jump" to the end game, unless they remember where to look for.

Making seeds replayable is another objective I am thinking about. Yes, seeded words are already a thing and will come with the next huge 0.1 update!

Maybe something like some kind procedurally generated recipes? 

This is a difficult thing to design. Foremost, I want to build a game that I personally enjoy, and procedurally generated items or blueprints were never something I enjoyed. 

It kinda takes away the immersion and the game suddenly turns into an Excel table simulator. However, this doesn't mean I cannot implement some kind of procedural generation. I have this idea of being able to have sockets on your tools. In these sockets, you can put special gems or other things that give your tool special effects.

For example, imagine I can craft a pickaxe with special powers. Special powers could be "explosiveness" or "earthquake" or "fire". However, those effects by themselves could be RNG to some extend. In order to add these special effects, you'd need to find the items in the world to create those powerful gems. This is all just theoretical and might not what I am actually gonna build, but you get the idea.

In a nutshell, I really wanna avoid having "too many" tools/equipment but rather focusing on a few that the player can customize as much as they like. And they can only customize them by exploring the world/cave.

Well, it seems that you know what you want to do, which is good! I can't wait until 0.1!