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Brilliant game! I finished the first 3 worlds and even got one star on each. But now I'm stuck on 4-6 In Confidence. I don't have any idea what combination to enter. Did I miss a clue somewhere?

yup. Look carefully at smalley's psychology in beastopedia.

Smalley on that level just keeps saying "I am shy" and beastopedia entry tells pretty much the same. It's a honest creature but how do I make it talk business? Hm...


Nevermind, I solved it :)


I've finished chapter 5! In the first 3 chapters I've got the second star and in 4th chapter the first one. And no stars found in 5th. Perhaps I'll return to this game later to find them all. Thanks a lot for this amazing experience!

Thank you :)

There are 2 ways to complete 4-6. One way you could have done at the time, the second way just go back it should be ok and you will understand why.

(1 edit) (+1)

I couldn't stand the temptation and started a little star hunt. So at the moment I lack only 2 stars. The first one in chapter 2 and the second one in chapter 5. Any clues will be very appreciated :)