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(1 edit)

Oh, and lest you think I’m just here to complain, here’s how much I like the game: I mapped out the maze in the Graveyard. (I thought of mapping the whole game, but this was the bit where I really needed it!) Here’s the map.

Holy geez this is awesome! Did you notice that the bricks show you the right path? Maze would have been a lot easier if it didn't loop I think. 

I didn’t notice it while playing, but I started wondering if that was meant to be the case while I drew it up!

Also, I didn’t actually get lost (much) in the maze, but I’m a bit of a completionist (…just a little bit…), and it was bugging me thinking that I might not have explored the whole thing.

If there had been more time it would have been fun to add some secrets to the maze. A programmer room or something.