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Good job, it's a very polished game! I enjoyed a lot.

Some feedbacks:

  •  The inspiration from "keep talking and nobody explodes" is pretty obvious, a bit too much (I think even the font of the manual is the same?), You could try to give a bit more of your own personality. 
  • Navigating through the manual was a bit annoying. I understand that it's designed to make it stressful and in that sense it is effective, but after a while it was tedious. I wish there was a way to get better at navigating through it, so that it is hard at the beginning but gets easier with experience. Here, even after 2 hours or so, it felt pretty messy, although I sometimes got lucky and clicked and the right page right away, I mostly had to swipe around to get through.
  • I didn't finish the game, so maybe there is, but I felt a lack of consequences for failing (or taking a long time to finish) my tasks. After a while, it didn't bother me so much to be stuck for a long time and the "stress effect" wasn't as strong. Maybe add a time limit to each day?
  • Finally, and maybe my most important feedback, I think it was too long. I pushed through because I really wanted to see what would happen, but a bit after hearing I had to continue until day 20 or so I gave up.  The mechanics of your game works very well in short sessions, but they quickly become redundant IMO. That's what KTANE do very well, the sessions are short, and since it's a multiplayer game it's always fun to try again later. But honestly as a solo player I wouldn't try to go back to finish it. If I had been able to finish the game in max 1 hour, I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Or maybe find ways to change the gameplay throughout the game, like in Papers please, that allows you to enhance your UI to make things easier when the challenge gets harder. Or embed your mechanic in another kind of less stressful gameplay to give time to breath to the player.

Hope I was helpful and that you keep working on it!

Thanks for all these feedbacks!

I can confirm we plan to polish the gameplay to improve it during the game :)