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(1 edit) (+1)

As much as I do like this VN and would recommend it, and find the relationship between the protagonist and Jake in particular to be sweet, I must say that I really, really dislike Dan. I don't think it's funny or okay for someone to openly objectify me to that level without my consent: if he kept it to his imagination, that would be one thing and perfectly fine, but he doesn't, and sexualizes the main character at every opportunity. I find his persistent advances very unwelcome. As a gay man that has been objectified in this way multiple times and had people I found unappealing actually physically grope me despite my clear lack of interest and consent, it's tedious enough in real life, and to have a childish character sexually propositioning me repeatedly in a fictional narrative that I go to to enjoy myself, it is a big put-off. While the #MeToo movement might predominantly apply to women, men can also be victims, and it can be just as upsetting.

Thank you for the comment, and thoughts.

Dan definitely is an extremely polarizing character, and everything you said is absolutely fair.  I'm sorry if that aspect of the game was particularly upsetting for you.

However, because the story is intended to be a more realistic coming out experience, I think there is a lot of value in presenting that aspect of unwanted, persistent, and unwelcome attention, and seeing how it affects your character and the other people around you for better OR worse. (Mostly worse, in your case.)

Fair enough, and a good point. Thanks for replying, and for making this game in the first place!