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Thanks a lot, I help when I can :)

(2 edits)

Well, i played it and i liked it. I need to say I saw your game multiple times here, but the "In development"-always turned me down. But when I finally enterd this page here and read your comments, I was like: "Lets give this a shot".

Saw some little eastereggs. As a programmer i like rly felt the guy struggeling with his project. 

One of the best character-interaction I have seen in the NSFW-Gerne. I dont mean the choises, but how the protagonist behaves and reactes. Also its kinda deep. Lil cheap deep, but its totaly fine. Implementing the corona-crisis was a nice move.

Wanna see more. Keep it up. An left you 5 more bucks.

Also, you like Dark Souls. Nice.


P.S. Maybe change the gametime from "A few seconds" to "3h" or something. idk

Heh, thanks a lot^^

I like little eastereggs and I always try to hide some here and there if I get the chance. I'm no programmer, but I've been kind of working with code for years now, so I understand the struggle (maybe even better than a real coder xD).

I'm trying to keep the game on the light-hearted side while maintaining a serious story, it's a fine line and I've probably crossed it several times, but it seems to be working good so far.

Thanks a lot for your comment and support, praise the sun! \(^_^)/