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Please, make it installable in app.

Deleted 3 years ago

You can install it through now but not launch it sadly. I think I need to do app manifest and it's too advanced for me...
You can launch the game through the app by going through open game explorer still I guess. 
That's all I can do for you sry.


If you're on android you can use the app joiplay, it works for most  or many VN's.

Hey there Resbach its me,long time no see..

I hope u are fine btw i already test using joiplay its doenst work doesnt Supports.

I think not renply system 

Right, right! Yeah, non-renpy isn't working for the time being.

Hey! It has been a while... I would join your group, btw. You really don't have discord, huh? Well, I can try installing Telegram. 

ofcouse u can join we can chat..

I dont have discord sorry...

U can ask Naoky tell u how to use it,hope we can met there together ^^

Okay then, see you there hopefully 👍

(2 edits) (+1)

I use tyranobuilder and I'm pretty sure the issue come to the fact that is not opening the .exe file when clicking launch(because it needs  manifest file to tell him what to launch, according to itch documentation.) I am pretty confused on what itch is even trying to open tho as it open a njws application. It's like Itch think it's a Html 5 browser build.  
My programming skill is basically 0 so I have no idea how to make a simple manifest file. It seems like using Butler might help too.