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Six & Six

Game 6

You are in some winter landscape in front of a pool with fishes in them and you have a fishing pole. Trying to fish is hard and trying to read the dialogue that’s going on in the bottom of the screen while fishing is hard. Let alone with fishing being hard, I couldn’t catch anything. I don’t know if it’s because the fishing mechanic wasn’t actually implemented but it just doesn’t seem to work cause once it looks like a fish is caught and you try to reel it in, the fish unhooks itself. With no controls, it’s hard to know how to play.

And I had no idea if I was supposed to fish to continue the story and get the true ending. I saw a campfire and I kinda expected to fish to survive to get the true ending but it seems like the fishing was just there to be there and all you really had to do was stand and read the text, wait like 8 minutes and watch the screen go white and let the game end. I get it and to be honest, I prefer the game be that way. It’s just I was juggling fishing with trying to read the story and missing out on it.


you can actually catch and eat fish. but you die anyways.