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Something different can happen if you wait around enough, but either way, she unfortunately can't be saved ^^;;

Thanks for playing, I'm so glad you're enjoying the game! :D

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Yeah, I got both results, just wanted to check to see if there was a third option. Thanks for responding, if you ever make anything else I’ll be sure to give it a try!

PS: oh, I wanted to ask, is the alternative way that fight ends meant to be a reward (it gives better loot and salves your conscience) for not gunning down Dottys friend or a punishment (the alternative fight is rude) for using out of character knowledge? Just curious about the thought behind the design, that sort of thing interests me.

It's closer to the later, as it is meant to show the outcome is inescapable. It was originally missing from the game when first released, but I realized that players are often encouraged in other games to try to prevent the inevitable, and some didn't like the explanation that "the characters had no way of knowing."  

It technically "rewards" the player with the spoils of battle and alternate dialog,  and it "punishes" them as I feel like it is surprising and a bit cruel, but more than anything, I classify it more as a small secret or oddity.  It's meant to signal "Hey, I know you don't want this to happen, but it's going to happen. You cannot change this."

That makes sense, thanks for explaining that. I'll bother you once more when I finish the game, and maybe if I do a replay with the alternate language patch. Once again, thanks for making such a cool game.