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Hey, I heard there's a dungeon with a boss in the Gloomy Forest, but I can't find it. If it's the Rat Cave, I see no boss there. I've gotten Wulfric, did all the three dark rooms in Bangars, and got the sword in the Log Woods. Is there also a new sex scene in Public Build 7?

Nevermind, it was the Rat Cave. I completely forgot there was a big guy here you fight. But regardless, is there anything else I have yet to do in Build 7?

The whole Shiptown area? After you get Wulfrick you need to go to the Right where the rewatch house used to be.

(1 edit)

I figured out the problem. I messed up when copying and pasting my save from the previous build. There's a new cutscene that plays at the four paths. I apologize for wasting your time.