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What a great entry! Awesome artwork, both the pixel and cutscenes. The SFX and music work well. The gameplay is solid, though I have to admit I've never been a fan of Megaman's punishing difficulty. In some sections, the wall jump kept throwing me down pits which was a little aggravating. But I made it through.

You weren't kidding in the discord when you said it was kind of hard!  The levels are very challenging. The first boss was fairly easy. The second boss was pretty hard! I did find myself wishing I could restart faster after losing. (Players complained about this on my extra hard Devtober update to "Moonlit Curse," so I guess I'm feeling that pain first hand now)

One other small complaint. On the last boss, her health bar obscures the area that she's running around in. It's not a deal breaker, but it seems like it should be at the top of the screen or something.

I managed to win in the end, despite the challenge. Again, great work!

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, we realized too late about the Noire issue and are looking into a fix for it.

thanks, will look into some of those issues. Glad you like it.