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fan threads pop up every so often on reddit, stuff like this:

(googling "clint stardew nice guy" should turn up more of these threads) 

and what i'm saying in my game here is that this hatred is driven at least partially by how he looks. (that second thread i link calls him a "fat neck bearded son of a bitch".) i think that the way he looks causes people to make nastier assumptions about him and what he says, and i think it's unfair and gross 

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oooh now i get it but still i'm pretty sure this people are a minority or at least exclusive to reddit cause from the few things a saw in the steam community people or completely ignore clint or just don't care about him


yeah, i don't think it's a lot of people, i think the clint thing is just a small example of a larger problem of people make assumptions about people based on how they look. it was something that made me feel weird when i saw it, so i used the clint thing as just a way to make the game more personal to me.