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(1 edit)

Hmm, I hadn't thought of using GIFs instead of screenshots - I worry about size/quality on that front, but I'll think about it! I have an animated thumbnail/cover image, which I'm told helps.

I sort platforms alphabetically, and if I didn't, I think I'd probably be happy to sacrifice some Windows users (edit: this is a tongue-in-cheek comment - no altars involved, promise!) in order to promote the platform I use :D

Regarding stream-friendliness of the UI, I haven't found any nice solutions on that front, but I have been working on some features that will likely be relevant to streamers as part of an upcoming patch.

Best of luck with your project.

As someone who uses Windows because I am to lazy to get used to one of the Linuxes, reading “sacrifice some Windows users” warmed my heart and I just wanted you to know that. ;)

And (more importantly) Thank You! for sharing your very detailed insights with the community and coming up with such a snazzy title for it.

Super happy to share! Closing doors or pulling up ladders behind you so that others can't tread the paths you've trodden doesn't feel very culturally responsible to me. If all of this helps someone else navigate these things with a little more perspective (whether they're going in the same directions as me or not), then it's worthwhile :)