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Wow, thank you for playing it (so much)!

Are you referring to the blue buttons or the squared red,yellow,green&blue buttons?

We didn't have time to add a hint system but if you want any, tell us where you're at :)

I've gotten the screw driver and flash light (seen the ominous message), but not sure which plates to place where and why. :/

The buttons I was referring to were the 4 colored buttons. 

A hint for the colored button should have been written on a post-it on top of it.

Did you turn on the laser device in the green room? The message should help you find the code. Once you did, redirect the laser to the target in the second room. Some plates reflect the laser, some don't. 

Good luck :)


Ahhh... haha damn, didn't realize the hint was in English. For some reason, thought it was representing some symbols or Russian. 

Just finished it, great game! Pretty enjoyable. Thanks for the hints.