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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated)):


1. The game is cute! Comparing to The Baby in Yellow, the game become even cuter with the mask and Raccoons. Cuter and funnier!

2. That's a nice homage to H2ODelirious! It's really wholesome!

3. I think it's scarier than the Baby in Yellow.


1. Comparing to the Baby in Yellow, I can't help but notice that all the bugs stayed unfixed: the stuff like accessing interactable things through walls, seeing not-reflected world in the mirror, getting the baby stuck in walls etc.

2. Again, comparing to the Baby in Yellow - the same content, only for 3$ instead of being free.

3. The last time, comparing to the Baby in Yellow, there is no development in story or in the world or lore. The game even feels shorter.


If I would have to rate this game as a horror experience and a follow-up to the Baby in Yellow, I'd, honestly, rate it 3/5 stars. I mean, there is no development story-wise, the same bugs, it doesn't surprises anymore with the mechanics and it costs money. But at the same time this game is a 5/5 - star homage to H2ODelirious. So, I rate this 5/5 as a matter of fact, but I still feel a bit disappointed.

Hope my feedback was useful!


Hi Erderi! 

The scope of the project didn't give us much time to fix bugs, only add new content. But we did have a lot of fun making the game for H2O. 

Thanks for playing and for the critical feedback, we really appreciate it! 😁