What can I do to fix:
Error: Uncaught Loading data file failed.Error (see JavaScript console for details)
Also, my data won't save for some reason, even though I put this site as "always allow cookies."
That's really strange. Are you running it in a Desktop browser?
Edit: Just played the game on Desktop Chrome with no issues. I've had some reports before about mobile chrome causing issues, and unfortunately it's just the way that Itch hosts the game. If that's the case then please try either the desktop builds of the game or the android build.
You're fine. It could just be something on my side. I'll keep looking for anything that my computer could be doing.
Also, is there a way I can access the JavaScript console, as the game error suggested? I might be able to make enough sense of everything to find my failed "uncaught loading data file," or whatever else might be happening on my end.
I'm honestly not sure at all. I've got no experience with Javascript, and trying to find solutions online hasn't helped. It mentions index.html, which is how itch.io points at the core game files. Try clearing your cache history and see if that fixes it? On Chrome desktop you can type "Clear cache" in the url searchbar and an option will appear automatically.
Hope that helps!
I tried clearing the cache, preforming a hard reload, and turning my computer off and on. This error will not give me peace, and I hope no one else runs into it, as it seems to be a near-permanent roadblock once it shows up.
I know most of this has probably just been annoying for you, and I apologize. I'm just no good at running Linux(as well as the amount of storage it takes up), and I really don't want to powerwash my computer to turn on Dev mode in order to download the Android version. I'll just figure out how to operate Linux and hope the problem fixes itself when the game is updated next.
Again, I am very sorry for all of this bother. Thanks for trying to help and for being patient with me.