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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (the game is the 2d there, also likes and subs are highly appreciated)):


1. The story is amazing! It was nicely paced. You created a great ambiance, intrigue and a sense of tension near the end. Also, I think it was incredible that you voice acted the game! Amazing!

2. I loved the little the environment a lot. It was so nice to see a remote bed and breakfast, sheep, weird construction site. Definitely felt like some kind of mythical creature could exist there. Also, the comments of the main character made the experience more immersive.

3. Is Huldufolk a real story of some culture? If it is then it's great! I think that more games should be based on existing myths and legends as it is very interesting, entertaining and educational to learn them.


1. I didn't really like the textures that were used for walls and windows. They are nice in the open space but in the closed space like a house the look weird as the player has to go near the walls a lot.

2. It felt like there were more dialoges than actual playing the game. Voice acting is great but there wasn't much of the gameplay to back it up. It didn't feel like the player was in control of anything.

3. I think that if you'd add different endings, then the previous point wouldn't exist because the player would be in control of the experience. You could add an ending where the player leaves before investigating the last thing and the character never knows whether there were any creatures or not.


This game definitely deserves 5/5 stars. That impressed me a lot! I can't wait to see more from you and I think it would be wonderful if you would continue working on this game and make it a bigger project!

Hope my feedback was useful!


Thanks for the feedback

Huldufolk is based on real folklore, although the ending where you are kidnapped and chained is made up. Huldufolk are actually not that hostile(so it seems)

As of right now I don't have any plans on expanding this game, and if I did it would most likely be a continuation; if ever I feel like diving back into Huldufolk 2-3 years from now.

But we will take your feedback into consideration for future horror games

- Renderbydavid