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I did't look at the tags of the game so I was learning everything about the relationship aspect along with Elise which was fantastic!

The game itself was entertaining (albeit sad) and the atmosphere build-up was great. There are enough hints thrown around to help the player figure some things in advance.

I was actually looking over the game files when I happened upon some interesting pictures, for example 'S's room'. It's probably just early concepts but it was fun to look at, especially since I have grown to love every single character : )

Hello! :)

Thank you for the nice comment! ^^

Yes, we feel like it's better to play it without knowing too much?
Which is why we had such a hard time coming up with a summary that didn't spoil the whole thing xD

Who knows, maybe they're not early concepts? ;)
(ok I won't spoil the fun)

We are glad you enjoyed it, though :D
We will keep working hard on the bonus! ^^